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Atmosphere and Ocean Researc Institute
Center for International Collaboration
Latest News
2024年2月7日読了時間: 1分
Prof. Uematsu selected as Fellow of The Oceanography Society
Professor Emiretus Mitsuo Uematsu, previous Director of CIC (2006-2019) , selected as Fellow of The Oceanographic Society....
2024年1月12日読了時間: 1分
Revise MoU of scientific collaboration btw AORI and NTOU
Prof. Hyodo, director of AORI, and faculty members visited National Taiwan Ocean University to revise MoU on scientific collaboration....
2023年12月8日読了時間: 1分
AORI-Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan Univ. Joint Symp.
AORI and IO-NTU hold joint symposium in Taipei. Starting from welcome speech by Prof. Chen-fen Huang, Director of IO, followed by opening...
2023年11月1日読了時間: 1分
Prof. Naomi Harada will lead the 66th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition
Prof. Harada was chosen as the Chief of the 66th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition, which will depart in Dec. 2024. She is the first...
2023年6月30日読了時間: 1分
Prof. Michida elected as IOC Chair
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO has elected Dr Yutaka Michida as IOC Chairperson for the 2023-2025...
2023年6月21日読了時間: 1分
IOC/UNESCO 32nd Session of the Assembly, Paris
32nd Session of the Assembly, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), UNESCO was held at UNESCO Head Quarter, Paris, from 21-30...
2023年3月8日読了時間: 1分
JSPS CREPSUM Joint Seminar
We hold JSPS Core-to-core CREPSUM Joint Seminar at AORI, UTokyo. Invited >50 scientists from South East Asian countries and Japan. We met...
2022年7月4日読了時間: 1分
IOC 55th Session of Executive Council
The 55th Session of the Executive Council of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (EC-55 IOC) was held during June 14-17, 2022....
2022年4月1日読了時間: 1分
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